Tech recruiting is complicated and time consuming.
Sometimes HR experts are not comfortable assessing tech skills, but it’s necessary for effective recruiting. At the same time, finding the right talent is a long process that involves using tech platforms (not the usual recruiting platforms) and looking in your network for potential candidates. But it doesn’t stop there. Once hired, retaining tech talent is becoming even more challenging as the number of companies shifting to remote work, a perk offered by tech companies, continues to skyrocket.
Here are 3 quick ways to make tech recruiting a smooth and effective process in your organization:
1. Don’t base your recruiting efforts on what other companies are doing.
Many small tech companies are copying the recruiting processes of the big guys. From the candidate criteria to the interview questions, these may not be what YOUR business needs, and you may be killing your hiring process from the very start. Having unrealistic criteria will push great candidates away!
We recommend writing down a list with down-to-earth criteria; which candidates need to possess to be able to work on the projects from YOUR organization. The list should include: soft skills, programming languages, operating systems, development frameworks, and platform knowledge. As well, you should have the right screening processes and interview questions in place, that will help you find the right candidate for the job AND the organization.
2. Screen what matters first
The classic hiring process starts with someone sending their resume. HR then screens the resume and gives the candidate a call for another quick screening. This, however, doesn’t provide you with the relevant and most important insight: is this person good at programming?
A great modification to this approach is to have the technical screening as the first step of the hiring process. Make the tech lead or an engineer be responsible for having the first conversation with the candidate, to evaluate all the tech knowledge. An engineer will have a clear understanding of what skills and knowledge the candidate needs to have; and at the same time it's a great opportunity, for the candidate, to learn about the engineering culture of the business.
After the candidate passes the technical screening, then HR sets up a call. This lets you filter out the wrong candidates from the start.
3. Make the hiring process more efficient for candidates
Tech talent shortage is a worldwide problem, meaning the competition between hiring firms is fierce. However, tech firms still have cumbersome hiring procedures that push candidates away. For instance, the average American hiring process takes around 24 days! This willl increase the chances of candidates leaving for your competitors. Don’t let this happen!
Having an efficient and short hiring process in place, motivates candidates to connect with your business and apply to your job vacancies. It needs to be easy for them to evaluate your business and for them to also get evaluated; and making these possible in the first stage of hiring is the best approach (refer to point 2).
Tweaking the hiring process can benefit HR and the candidate's experience.
However, if you want to take the hiring responsibility out of your plate, a third party software development provider is a great option. Dreamcode does all the screening, filtering and hiring process. No matter what skill you are looking for or what project you need to build, we already have the right candidates for you!
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